Utility Department
Utility Bills and Meter Readings: Most homes have radio meters installed which can be read by driving by the house. The meters are read monthly and water usage is billed one month behind. The monthly utility bill includes water, sewer, and trash service. Bills are mailed on the 5th of each month and are due on the 20th.
Gallons Water Tax Sewer Trash Hydrant Storm Water Total
1,000 11.56 .80 11.05 18.25 1.61 7.50 50.89
3,000 13.05 .89 17.85 18.25 1.61 7.50 59.29
5,000 21.75 1.42 24.65 18.25 1.61 7.50 75.40
Water/Sewer Deposit: By Ordinance, a deposit of $100.00 is required for each housing unit where water and/or sewer is utilized. The deposit will be applied to the Final Bill. All renters’ deposits are applied to final bills when moving out.