Sanitation Department
Refuse and Recycling, Spring Clean-up day, Large item collection, Electronic Disposal, Household Hazardous Waste Collection, Shred Fest, Large Branch Collection, Grass & Leaf Collection.
Refuse and Recycling
The Town of Griffith provides weekly collection of Refuse and Recycling. This service is provided by Republic Waste Services. Residents are provided containers for both Refuse and Recycling. Both are collected every Thursday for all single and two-family residential properties. However, during major holiday weeks of; New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, if the holiday is observed prior to Thursday, collection will be delayed until Friday. Residential properties with alleys will have Refuse collected in the alley. Residential properties without alleys will have Refuse collected street-side. All Recycling is collected street-side. Containers placed street-side must not be placed prior to 6:00 pm the night before and must be retrieved to later than 6:00 pm the day of service. Both Refuse and Recycling containers should be separated by a minimum of three feet and placed inside the curb with the handles facing nearest the dwelling. No containers should be place in the street as this prevents efficient street sweeping and snow removal.
Your monthly utility invoice has a Solid Waste Management fee included that supports;
Collection and disposal of Refuse, Recyclables, Tree Leaves & Branches,
Spring Clean-Up
Republic Waste Services will provide their annual “Spring Clean Up” on May 22nd, 2025. This allows Griffith residents to place an unlimited amount of Refuse out for collection. However, tires, concrete, roofing shingles and hazardous materials will not be accepted. For items containing CFC’s, please contact Republic Services at (219) 662-8600 the Monday prior to scheduled collection. All Refuse must be contained or bundled weighing no more than 50 pounds. For more information please contact the Public Works Department at (219) 924-3838.
Large Items
Republic Waste Services will collect a limited amount of bulk items with regular Refuse. One (1) large item per week, per residential property (furniture, appliances, etc.) will be collected. Please remember, all wood and carpeting must be cut in four (4) foot lengths, bundled and weighing no more than 50 pounds.
Electronic Disposal
For disposal of Electronics, such as televisions, computers, computer monitors, etc... please call the Public Works Department at (219) 924-3838, prior to Thursday collection. Public Works Personnel will pick up these types of waste on Thursday morning and dispose of properly. Items are to be placed curbside, not in the alley.
Household Hazardous Waste Items
Republic Services will not collect solid or liquid hazardous waste. Examples include; oil based paint, pesticides, petroleum derivatives including motor oil and solvents, and explosive items. Republic Waste Services will collect latex paint that has been dried out. The Lake County Solid Waste Management District (LCSWMD) provides Household Hazardous Waste Collection annually at various locations throughout Lake County. The LCSWMD can be reached at (219) 853-2420 or at The annual collection for Griffith will be held on Saturday, October 18th from 9 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. See supporting document below for 2025 schedule.
Griffith Shred Fest
On October 18th, 2025, along with the Lake County Household Hazardous Waste Collection, the Town of Griffith provides document shredding for Griffith Residents. Quantities will be limited to four (4) boxes per vehicle. For schedule and additional information, please call the Public Works Department at 219-924-3838.
Large Branch Collection
Any resident in need of large branch collection (branches too large to be placed in the Blue Republic Waste Container) is to place branches at the curb and call the Public Works Department at (219) 924-3838 to request a pick up. All branches are to be placed street-side, Branches should not be placed in the alley. All tree and/or branch removal provided by a contractor will be the contractor’s responsibility to dispose of the debris. All small branches or twigs should be placed in your Blue Republic Waste Container. NEW YARD WASTE COLLECTION MAP COMING SPRING 2025
Grass Collection
Grass clippings are to be placed in your Blue Republic Waste Container and will be collected on Thursdays, along with your household refuse. Once the Blue Waste Container is completely full, you may use additional containers if needed.
Leaf Collection
The Public Works Department provides curbside vacuum-leaf collection every fall. The annual collection schedule is provided in your October utility bill and can be found on the Town’s website. Fall leaf collection occurs between mid-October through early-December. Leaves are collected every week. State law prohibits disposal of leaves in landfills, so leaves will not be collected by Republic Waste Services. Leaves should not be placed in your Blue Refuse container. Residents that chose to bag or can their leaves may do so by placing the leaves in a paper bio-degradable bag or 30-gallon trash containers. Plastic Bags will not be accepted. All contained leaves are to be placed curbside on the same scheduled day as vacuumed collection. NEW LEAF COLLECTION SCHEDULE COMING SPRING 2025